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As an employee of Scheidt & Bachmann, you give your best every day to advance our company. We appreciate that very much. 

We also want you to enjoy coming to work every day and feel comfortable with us. That's why we have put together numerous offers and benefits – for you and your work-life balance.

Company restaurant "sub's"

Company restaurant "sub's"

Brand new and really cool: In our modern company restaurant "sub's" you'll find delicious food and good coffee – perfect for exchanging ideas with your colleagues.

Employee App "swap"

Employee App "swap"

Find out about important news, chat with your colleagues or plan your next holiday – all easily via our employee app "swap". 

Working from home

Working from home

Flexibility, personal responsibility and a good work-life balance are important to you? Great! Because they are important to us too. That's why working from home is possible for many of our positions.

Germany ticket 'Deutschlandticket'

Germany ticket 'Deutschlandticket'

Do you like doing your bit for the environment and therefore prefer to use public transport instead of your car? Then you've come to the right place! With us, you will receive an attractive employer subsidy for your 'Deutschlandticket'. 

Pre-collection days

Pre-collection days

Work a few minutes longer every day to have time off on bridging days and between Christmas and New Year's Eve. That sounds good? You can do that in many areas here.

Company pension scheme

The image shows a woman sitting on a chair in nature.

Company pension scheme

Do you want to be well secured in your old age? Then let us support you with an individual programme and a subsidy for the company pension scheme.



They say you never stop learning –  not with us either. Here you can push on with your personal and professional development by participating in internal and external programmes.

Language courses

Language courses

We want you to get on well with your foreign colleagues and that you understand each other perfectly. That's why you can take various language courses with us.

Team events

Team events

Be sure that you will have a great team. We strengthen our team spirit with joint excursions, staff parties, bowling events and much more. Be part of it and have fun!

Jubilee celebrations

Jubilee celebrations

Anniversaries of 10, 25 or 40 years are very common for us. We are really proud of this low staff turnover. It goes without saying that we celebrate it appropriately.

Childcare allowance

Childcare allowance

Are you an everyday heroine or hero and do you reconcile work and family every day? Then we will support you with a tax-free childcare allowance.


The picture shows a mountain bike in the mountains.


Would you like to cycle to work, but you're still struggling with your inner obstacle? With our Bike leasing, we make it a little easier for you.

Discount system

The image shows a hand holding many percent signs.

Discount system

Save money: Through our corporate benefits programme, you receive discounts and rebates at various companies and online shops.

Discounted admissions

The picture shows a chain carousel.

Discounted admissions

If you love active leisure activities, you've come to the right place. For example, we offer discounted entrance fees as part of various discount campaigns.

Coupon books

Coupon books

We love good food – even if it doesn't come from our company restaurant. That's why we have the latest voucher books for restaurants near you.

Employer loan

The image shows houses a construction crane and coins.

Employer loan

You want to build or buy a property? Then take advantage of our practical employer loan for real estate financing.

Car rental

The image shows a smiling women sitting in a car.

Car rental

Want a new car? With "eazycars" you can rent a new car at favourable monthly fixed prices for a term of 6, 12 or 18 months.

Women's Network

Women's Network

Our Women’s Network is committed to a women-friendly corporate culture. The Network acts as a sparring partner for management and HR and offers concrete suggestions from the Network to make our company more attractive for women. 

Frank Dohmen

Human Resources


Yvonne Kuzmanovic

Human Resources

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH
Breite Str. 132
41238 Mönchengladbach

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